Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What is a Blog??- Article Response

1. Something that stood out to me about the article was that you could use blogging to talk about a topic and tell almost anything about what you think. And that you can share whatever with people all over.
2. Jarret says that blogs are published documents, and can be shared with anything about anyone 's comments.
3. I guess blogs are different from a web page because it's a person's comment, and people just go in there and take a look. there's probably not much of a comment that you can put in there.
4. Blogging have to do with empowerment because you can talk about an issue and if there are enough information and facts that defends what you think, it's less likely people will agree to what you think about.
5. Blogging have to do with relationships because you can share and discuss each others beliefs and thoughts about a certain topic.

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