Thursday, December 18, 2008

Argument Collages Artist Statement

1. I made a collage based on the three arguments I came up with that has to do with Proposition On my first argument I wrote that cruel meat could make you sick. I had a woman look like she’s thinking and had a thought bubble that I put a picture of a caged pig and asking, “Can cruel meat make me sick?” It’s pretty much a simple picture. Everything is white on the background; it’s just the woman and her food. She has the meat in front of her and she wonders where the meat came from and if it came from a farm that abuses animals. I want people to do the same thing and also wonder what kind of meat they are eating, if it’s really safe to eat.

2. Doing the first argument collage was pretty much easy. I made the picture taller enough for the thought bubble to fit. Everything is layered for the pictures to blend and go well with each other. There was no actual meat that came with the picture of the lady thinking so I had to look for a picture of a steak. I had pictures of the pig in the thought bubble and used layer mask. I used a big bold text to make it seem more like an ad and I thought it might be catchy. The same goes for the second collage; I just cut and pasted chickens and chicks. And some of them may be identical. I also used the speech bubbles to really make it easier to say what my argument is. I had the farm in the background; I had the farmer there and the chicks and chickens free in the open space. My collages are plainly simple. I didn’t use anything special, mostly layer masking and layering the image. Lastly I put the animals close to each other in one whole image. Like Ted’s campaign ad that he showed us with Obama and it had all these smoky effects with two other people I can’t seem to remember whom and the were all blended together. I used that and I had the animals coming together, layer masking it and using the brush that seemed blurry to make it look blended.

3. I didn’t seem to make any changes. At least two of the image I made, the 1st and 2nd argument were similar because it had thought and speech bubbles. They seemed plain. But I’m very satisfied with my work. I thought that the 1st argument looked more like an ad I would see anywhere. The white background and the big black text. It may seem plain but I like how it looks catchy and it gives out the message “Can cruel meat make me sick?” and it seems likely people will want to read it and think for themselves about meat. Especially the effect on the image of a pig in her thought bubble. I made the 3rd argument a whole lot different. Because I didn’t just cut and paste the images, I made the blend. It had that dramatic effect with the animals to feel sympathy. And it had “Save us” on the picture, which shows a sympathy feeling in it. I thought that the second image was a bit more humorous, because it had the farm chickens talking saying “Cage-free” and the farmer happy. I think I would have changed that image, because it doesn’t really show how it benefits the farmers it just says it. Everything seemed rushed, because I really needed to finish the work and I’ve been very behind. Overall I’m satisfied with what I made and I don’t think I was to ever change it. Maybe a little.

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