Thursday, December 18, 2008

Blog Post #2 Response

art Pictures, Images and Photos

This looks either a painting or made digitally. It's a picture of a man's back turned with a sign that says, "The end is over." It's different how I thought art is. I know not all art is about fashion. It looks dark, eerie in a way. My perspective in art is mostly beauty but this man shows a hint of sadness and the words, it automatically makes me think. What end is over? It should mean the world maybe? Society? But it did say the end is over, so it must mean something good, because endings can be bad. I'm a bit torn between something, I do think art is beautiful but there are ones that does not look so beautiful. In the eyes, maybe but I still think art is beautiful. When I took the poll, what is "Not-Art?" and saw the results many people took, it appealed to me that most of the people voted that art must evoke an emotion. The poll's questions were not entirely true in this picture. It wasn't expensive, nor held at the museum. And I thought it seemed true that it must have something with emotions that expresses art and I think that's one of what art is and it should have emotions.

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